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Dette meget beskyttede herred ligger i det sydvestlige del af lenet Stonebeach i riget U-Lyshak. Det ligger i provinsen Helyssa.
Summermoor er muligvis det rigeste herred i lenet da jorden er frugtbar og bjergene er kilde til værdifulde mineraler. Hovedbyen Neighmoor har før i tiden haft status af baronby og dermed lenets hovedsæde.
For at komme til herredet til fods skal man igennem et pas fra Dervishan. Det er kendt som Joruns passet som ligger tæt ved byen Jorun i herredet. Om byen har fået navn fra passet eller omvendt husker ingen.

Midt i herredet er den gamle borg Summerswind Keep der dog har ligget ret ubrugt hen de sidste mange år. Det vil kræve en vis indsats at få borgen kampklar igen, i dag befæstes den af en håndfuld vagter på rotation samt en keep overseer.

Herredet grænser op til området Ly-Aran, men grundet bjerge er der praktisk taget ingen kontakt til den vildmark. Hvilket passer herremanden ganske godt, siden der sjældent kommer noget godt fra Ly-Aran

Hovedbyen i herredet hedder Neighmoor og herremanden er Sir Justin Pavalier.
Ud over byerne Neighmoor og Jorun findes også minebyen Redstone og handelsbyen Mansfield, begge bidrager positivt til herredets gode økonomi.

Summermoor This very protected shire is located in the southwestern part of the county Stonebeach Summermoor is the richest shire in the county because the soil is rich and fertile and the mountains holds valuable minerals. The main town Neighmoor earlier had the status of seat of the baron and is therefore the shires main town. The way into the shire on foot is through the mountain pass from Dervishan. It is known as Joruns pass, it lies close to the village Jorun. Of which got the name first is most likely lost in history. In the middle of the shire an old castle located, Summerswind Keep. It has not been used for many years and it would demand some work and money to have it running again. Today it mainly works as barracks for a dusin soldiers with a keep overseer. The shire borders up to Ly-Aran but because of the mountain range there is almost no real contact to the wilderness. Which suits the lord of Summermoor fine since nothing good rarely comes from Ly-Aran. The main town is Neighmoor and the lord is Sir Justin Pavalier. Besides the town of Nieghmoor and the village Jorun, there is also the mining village Redstone and the trade village Mansfield who both contributes to the shires excellent economy.

sw/map/summermoor.1537807933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/24 16:52 by jesper