====== Garek Gahr ====== Spiller: Jeppe Thisted\\ Fødselsdag: 11-01-6039. (Gahrburg, Saralis)\\ Race/Nationalitet: Saralin\\ Profession: Warrior\\ Motto/slagord: GAHR!...Gahr...GAHR!GAHR!GAHR!...GAAAAAHHRRR!.."#¤&/%#..gah?\\ {{:sw:pcs:jt_garek.jpg|}} Udseende: Gennemsnitligt udsende Sareliner, dog med mange ar. Ses helst i platemail, men når dette ikke findes går han også i ridgid leather armor. Gareks hygiejne er ikke en af hans store bekymringer, han er derfor ofte usoigneret og beskidt, med fedtet sort/brunligt hår og lange mørke skægstubbe, der dog aldrig får lov til at sidde længe nok til at blive til et rigtigt skæg. Særlige kendetegn er en tatovering af et hjerte, hvori ordet mor står på den ene arm og på den anden er tatoveret et anker og ordet Wult med gotiske bogstaver. På ryggen er tatoveret et stort slag og han går altid med sin fullhelmet på (også når han sover!). Favoritspise/drikke: Bierwurst mit bierbraten und toffeln / Bier und brandy (også dværgesprit når det kan findes). Bedste kill/killing streak: 3 lugrokier på en runde (2*98EK) Motivation: Vil gerne have det sjovt, hvilket betyder at der skal slåes på tæven, drikkes, ædes, brandes, bolles etc... i meget store mængder. Desuden mener Gerek at folk i det hele taget snakker alt for meget og slås alt for lidt. I stedet for at bede en om at række dig smørret kan man jo bare pande dem en...så skal de nok forstå!!!. Derfor er Gereks ordforråd også forsvindende lille og mange ord bliver ofte i farten udskiftet med et grynt eller et udbrud af GAHR!. Worship: Gerek tilbeder mange guder, mest de stærke (også Clyssus). Han mener dog at Wult er den mest blærede gud der findes og at Wults sværd Liberator er gudernes konge og Wult som bæreren af Liberator er næstkommanderende i gudeland. Derudover er der også en slags heltedyrkelse i Gahrklanen af The Great Gahr, the founding father of clan Gahr. Favoritvåben: Warhammer og broadsword i two weapon combination, synes Gerek er den mest optimale form for melee. Der er, som Gereks far tit sagde, både noget til læder og plade. Fremtidige mål: At opnå status som fighting Garhr of Clan Gahr, og dermed styre Gahr klanens krigsbedrifter. Dette kræver dog et lang og hårdt liv som eventyrer før dette kan opnåes, da man som fighting Gahr skal opnå den ultimative våbenkunnen og modstandsdygtighed overfor smerte og blå mærker. Derfor er det Gereks mål at lære dette gennem sin eventyrgerning og eventuelt finde nogle blærede hårdtslående våben og magonel-seje platemails. Følgende er et uddrag af den yderst sjældne og sjældent besunget Gahr krønike:\\ //It wuz a fine morn indead as Garek Gahr crept out from under the bunch of rags he liked to call his bed. After streatching and brushing his teach with his finger and gurgling with beer he went out of his shed into what was commonly referred to as the court yard by the other Gahrs. Garek thought i looked more like a marketplace in the middle of a crumbled keep but it was also his home. His father had told him the night before that today was to be a very special day and from today he would be considered among the fighting Gahrs. He was to be given his first real sword and hammer and tossed into a nearby Goblin cave. Here he would undergo the rite of passage..... As the makeshift door slammed close behind him Gahr waited for his eyed to get used to the darkeness around him. After a while he could orientate himself in the light coming through the craks in the wooden door behind him and there was also a faint light from a torch some distance inside the cave. After walking for a few steps Gahr suddenly felt the ground dissapear from beneath him as he tripped over something lying on the ground..."Aaaauuch...Klonk...Gaaahrrrr", "There goes the element of surprise" Gahr thought to himself. Gahr noticed after some time of scrambling about on the floor that he had tripped over a cylindrical metal object with holes in the side. Gahr had never seen such a device but instinctively put it on his head and rose to his feet. "GAAAAAAAAHHHHR" he shouted to warn the goblins of their impending doom and liking how it sounded inside the full helmet, he laughed quietly to himself as he walked onwards deeper into the goblin lair, "huhuhu...GAHR..huhu!". As he came deeper into the cave Garek could faintly hear the squabbeling between two goblins. The light was brighter here and Garek could almost see where he was going through the small holes in the side of his full helmet. He came into a larger cave where there was the smell of something cooking and gobling droppings. Suddenly the squbbeling stopped and the two goblins rolling around on the floor armed with clubs looked curiously at the boy who had entered. "Wuz dis den, an 'elmet wit a snotling onnit" one of the goblins said. "Look more like dinna" said the other. "It got weponz too", said the first goblin. "Ummm me like canned food", said the other as he approached slowly waving his club in the air for effect. As the goblins aproached Gahr took up a solid stand and readied himself for their charge. One of the goblins came head on as the other began flanking around to get a better angle of attack. Gahr was ready for this though. He knew from his fathers stories that this was the preferred fighting style of goblins and he could see that theese two goblins had done this manuever before. What the goblins did not know was that Garek had been trained in attacking targets on his flank and even target that were behind him. As the goblin in front of him attacked gahr dropped his defenses against him and took the brute force of the attack right on his head. Luckily the helmet held and Gahr ignored the resulting pain. The goblin on the flank got a surpirise as he closed in for the kill as he ran straight into Garh's broadsword and got a hammerstrike to his shin. Gahr had gotten the best of the goblins this first round but the stike on his head had weakened him a bit. The qustion was now whether the wounds he had delivered was enough to win him the advantage//.