====== Ephir Thorkas ====== (Saralin, Fighter) Jeppe Thisted\\ Level: 2 * 09 Jun 6029 + 10 May 6052\\ Aka: "Mr AT:18"\\ Mottos/Quotes:"I am gonna' be king"\\ History: Ephir Thorcas, The warrior form Saralis. He liked to hit stuff but sometimes his bravery was too much for him self to handle. The truth was hard for him, for his father was a lord and not a king as he had always been told. One cruel day he lost what was most dear to him; A evil undead fiend stole his constitution before Ephir had crushed it's ugly face hard enough to make it lie still. But Ephis was shatterd, with his constitution gone how could he accomplish anything? Before anyone could direct him to a cleric Ephir threw himself off a high cliff and ended his life that way.